ZURICH, SWITZERLAND—The Wikipedia entry on Dada—the World War I–era "anti-art" movement characterized by random nonsense words, bizarre photocollage, and the repurposing of pre-existing material to strange and disturbing effect—may or may not have been severely vandalized, sources said Monday.

The fact that the web page continually reverts to a "normal" state, observers say, is either evidence that ongoing vandalization is being deleted through vigilant updating, or a deliberate statement on the impermanence of superficial petit-bourgeois culture in the age of modernity.
Wait a minute. I thought the continual reversion of the page to a "normal" state was evidence that Wikipedia was unable to stop the vandalism. No matter how many times the editors put back the Krazy Kat kartoons, somebody keeps replacing them with normal prose.
I'm not sure. I think it has something to do with that man in the corner who keeps trying to repair the smashed urinals.
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